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Low cost toothache remedy and teeth pain management

Pay only $99 per tooth management and teeth pain treatment

Affordable toothache management Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane

When you experience pain in or around the tooth, your body is trying to tell you that there may be a significant problem with your teeth or gums. Or it can also be a referred pain caused by a problem in another part of the body. Whatever the cause, the pain is a signal from your body to warn you that something is not right.

The pain could disappear, but this doesn’t mean that the problem is gone. It usually returns and, if not treated in time, it can affect your general health. For this reason, you shouldn’t ignore it, and you should visit the dentist who will identify the cause of the pain and perform the appropriate procedure.

At Dental 99, we offer tooth pain relief and management treatment and an X-ray, all for $99 per tooth.

How to stop a toothache at home?

  • There are several things you can do to soothe the pain before your dental appointment, but please note that the effects are only temporary. You should visit the dentist to eliminate the root cause of the toothache and not just the symptoms.


    Floss around the tooth to remove food particles

  • Gargle with saltwater

    Can help eliminate bacteria and reduce inflammation

  • Take medications

    Such as ibuprofen and aspirin, to reduce pain. Avoid placing the aspirin directly on the tooth because it can burn the gum tissues

  • Use icepacks

    Ice helps numb the pain, but it should not have direct contact with the tooth

Types of pain and causes 

There are several reasons why you may be experiencing tooth pain, and the type of pain is directly related to the cause. Some diseases cause throbbing tooth pain and others a sharp and stabbing pain; in some cases, it will be persistent, but in others, you will only feel pain if you apply pressure to the tooth. 

At the time of visiting the dentist, they will ask you some questions that will help them control the pain and determine the dental treatment you need. For this reason, try to identify what kind of pain you are experiencing and how often, and if it is a generalised pain or just in a specific area of the mouth. Also, if the pain is triggered by heat, cold or sweets or when you bite.

Toothache symptoms are generally related to the cause, but in general, you may experience swelling, bad odour, headache, or fever.

Tooth decay:  It is the leading cause of dental pain and occurs as a result of the accumulation of plaque and tartar on the teeth. If you don’t treat it in time, it can destroy the outer surface of the teeth, expose the nerves and/or cause cavities to form.

Sometimes you may not be aware that a cavity is forming because you may not feel pain or see them. These cavities can form in areas where x-rays are needed to see them.

Many people only feel decay when it is already very close or in the nerve of the tooth. When the cavity is more profound, you will feel more pain and the only options are root canal therapy and a crown or tooth extraction.

Sensitive tooth: When the protective layer of the tooth has disappeared or worn out, or there is a recession of the gums, the nerves that cause pain are exposed, and you can feel pain or discomfort when you consume hot, cold, acidic or sweet foods or drinks.

The pain is usually sharp and temporary, but until the reason for the sensitivity is not treated, the pain will most likely return. The dentist will identify the cause and choose the most effective treatment. The causes vary and can be cavities, exposed roots or cracked teeth.

Bleeding gums (gingivitis): the gum around the base of the teeth is sensitive and irritated. The inflammation is usually a consequence of the accumulation of plaque or bacteria in the teeth. The gums are generally red; it hurts when touched, and they easily bleed when brushing your teeth – bad breath and pain when chewing can also occur. It can be prevented and even reversed with a professional cleaning and good oral hygiene. If left untreated, it can spread and affect tissues and teeth and can progress to periodontitis. 

Gum disease (periodontitis): when you experience bleeding gums, plaque builds up, or cavities are not treated in time, a pocket that is filled with bacteria can form between the gum and teeth. The main objective is to control the infection, and the treatment usually varies depending on the stage of the disease. If left untreated, it can cause severe pain and affect the bones, gums, and connective tissues. An extraction may also be required. The bacteria can even enter the bloodstream through the gum tissues and infect other parts of the body.

Abscessed tooth: a pocket of pus is formed due to a bacterial infection. It can occur in different regions of the tooth, for various reasons: when there’s decay or an untreated cavity, gum disease or a small crack in the tooth; as a result, the pocket will appear in the tip of the root, the pulp inside the tooth or the gums. Depending on the situation, the dentist will drain the abscess, prescribe antibiotics, or perform a root canal treatment to save the tooth. However, in other cases, removal may be necessary. It is a disease that, if left untreated, can cause severe pain, fever and inflammation, and may have severe complications if it is spreading to the head and neck. Even if there is a rupture of the pocket or you don’t experience any symptoms, it must be treated by a specialist.

Trauma: after a minor or major accident, you can end up with a chipped, cracked, broken, displaced or knocked-out tooth. The treatment will depend on the type of tooth (whether it is primary or permanent), its location and the severity of the trauma. With an accident, the pulp, made up of nerves, blood vessels and connective tissues, can be exposed, and there is a risk of infection or the tooth dying. If you visit the dentist on time, they can save the function and appearance of the tooth, with restorative treatment, such as a filling or a crown, or eliminate the infection with a root canal treatment. 

Bruxism: it is an involuntary movement where the person clenches or grinds their teeth while sleeping. Although the causes are not known, it is usually associated with stress, concentration, eruption of teeth for children and babies, sleep problems or incorrect tooth alignment. Teeth tend to wear out over time and can expose the sensitive middle layers of teeth that can lead to dental pain. You may experience headaches and earaches, jaw and chewing pain, tooth sensitivity, or sore gums. The dentist may use x-rays to understand the severity of the problem and the damage to the teeth and bones. It can be treated with a mouth guard, dental correction and relaxation techniques.

Dry socket: after tooth extraction, the socket develops a blood clot to control the bleeding and protect nerves and bones. If it does not form or it dissolves or moves before the healing process ends, the bone and nerves would be exposed to food debris, air, and fluids, and an infection or other complications could occur. It usually occurs three days after extraction and people experience severe pain, which can spread to the face and jaw, and a bad smell from the mouth. The probability of developing this depends on the type of extraction and may increase if you smoke or have bad dental hygiene.

Pregnancy: with hormonal changes in pregnancy, women are more susceptible to dental caries because it affects the body’s response to dental plaque. Due to a change in diet, the increase of mouth acidity due to vomiting, and changes in oral habits due to sensitivity or nausea and vomiting, there’s a higher risk of tooth decay because of plaque buildup. Pregnancy gingivitis can also occur, where there is higher sensitivity, and there may be bleeding and swelling. Prevention is critical and can be accomplished with frequent visits to the dentist, and good oral hygiene and tooth care.

Jaw pain: the symptoms and type of pain will vary depending on the cause. The pain may suddenly appear, or it may become more intense over time. X-rays and a physical examination are needed to identify the root cause, but it could be sinus, toothache, gum disease, abscess tooth or tooth grinding, among other things. The cause will also determine the treatment which can include (if it’s a dental condition) a mouth guard, antibiotics, a root canal therapy, extraction or periodontal treatment.

Teeth pain treatment

You should visit the dentist if you have experienced pain for more than two days, if there is severe or throbbing pain, sharp pain when chewing or swallowing, ear pain, fever, inflammation or if tooth pain relief medicine is not working.

At the beginning of the dental appointment, the dentist will review your medical history to have a better understanding of your needs and thus offer a personalised service. Then they will perform a physical examination of your teeth, gums, jaw, tongue, palate, tonsils, nose and neck. They may also require a digital x-ray, which is included in your $99 treatment, to identify if there are bone problems, decay, impacted or cracked teeth. The goal is to determine the source of the pain and location to perform the appropriate treatment which may include removing cavities, a filling if there is an advanced dental cavity, treat gum disease, administering antibiotics, removing a tooth or starting root canal therapy.

Root canal procedure explained

The pulp, which is inside the tooth and is made of connective tissues and blood vessels and provides nutrients and nerves to the tooth, could be damaged as a result of deep tooth decay, a cracked tooth, advanced gum disease or trauma. The bacteria will multiply inside the tooth, and the pulp will get damaged or may die, causing a lot of pain. Consequently, the infection generates inflammation (which can spread to the face, neck or head) and bone loss; or it can also lead to an abscessed tooth that is a pocket full of pus at the end of the tooth’s roots.

Root canal pain symptoms can include severe pain when chewing or when touched, sensitivity, swelling tooth discolouration and inflammation of the nearby gums. Sometimes there are no symptoms, so it’s essential to have regular visits to your Dental 99 dentist.

Root canal therapy is a treatment to relieve or avoid pain caused by the infection, remove the infected nerve tissue in a tooth and repair and preserve an infected or damaged tooth. A root canal takes at least three visits to a dentist.

The first stage is to extract the nerve, clean the roots, place antibiotics directly into the roots for disinfection and a temporary filling. The second stage consists of shaping and cleaning the tooth roots as well as filling the roots if the tooth is ready, and the third stage is a final cleaning and filling of the roots as well as a permanent filling to close the access cavity. Chances are the tooth needs a crown, especially if it’s a posterior tooth.

Some people may experience some discomfort, minor inflammation or pain after a root canal therapy which is normal and the tooth may be sensible so the dentist may recommend over-the-counter pain relievers, including ibuprofen for toothache. You should avoid chewing on the side where the procedure was performed and putting pressure so it does not break. And brush and floss gently. 

Depending on the case, the dentist may recommend an extraction. But the best alternative to root canal treatment is prevention. Most dental pain is caused by, and begins with, decay and is therefore preventable and curable. Don’t wait until an obvious problem appears to visit the dentist. Prevention is a much more effective (cheaper and painless) way of managing your dental health. Good dental habits, including flossing and brushing teeth, fluoridated toothpaste, and professional check-up and teeth cleaning every six months are the best ways to reduce your risk of dental problems.

Need tooth pain relief treatment?

Book your teeth pain treatment appointment for just $99 per tooth at Dental 99

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